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Vite Setup

The biggest requirement is a vite setup that generates SSR manifests so the server knows what client chunks are generated so it can reference them.

import { defineConfig, UserConfig } from "vite";
export default defineConfig({
  ssr: {
    noExternal: ['vite'],
  build: {
    target: "esnext",
    rollupOptions: {
      input: 'app/entry.client.ts'
    outDir: 'dist/client',
    assetsDir: 'dist/asset',
    ssrEmitAssets: true,
    manifest: true
  plugins: []

The second requirement is that you define a client, and server entry point for compilation to work effectively

import { GenerateRouteTree } from 'htmx-router/router';
export const tree = GenerateRouteTree({
  modules: import.meta.glob('./routes/**/*.{ts,tsx}', { eager: true }),
  scope: "./routes",
// vite complains if the client entry doesn't have a default export
export default {};


There are also two optional plugins provided by htmx-router for vite, with both being optional, however ClientIsland is required if you plan on using client islands

import { BundleSplitter, ClientIsland } from "htmx-router/vite";
import { defineConfig, UserConfig } from "vite";
export default defineConfig({
  // same as before
  plugins: [

We also recommend using tsconfig paths to make ~ resolve to ./app/, that way as you move your route files around you do not have to change your relative imports.

    "compilerOptions": {
        "paths": { "~/*": ["./app/*"] },
        "noEmit": true // Vite takes care of building everything, not tsc

Bundle Splitter

The bundle splitter will omit certain code from the client and server builds, if a file ends with .client.tsx (also supports .ts, .js .jsx) then it will be omitted from the server bundled, and likewise if it ends with .server.tsx for the client.

This can be helpful to ensure certain code never leaks into the client. Or that expensive client side rendering for interactivity it processed on the server.

Client Island

This plugin will intercept imports for your app/manifest.tsx within vite and instead will import either the server side hydration code, or the client side manifest for hydration based on which mode is being built.

Build Scripts

Since there is a client and a server build being generated, we recommend making a build setup like below so everything can be streamlined

    "type": "module",
    "scripts": {
        "prepare": "npx htmx-router",
        "dev": "node ./server.js",
        "build": "run-s build:*",
        "build:client": "vite build",
        "build:server": "vite build --ssr app/entry.server.ts --outDir dist/server",
        "preview": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production node ./server.js"